This review was originally written in June of 2006. I am including it partly to add bulk to my growing blog…and partly because I think it would be nice to have a bad review amongst good ones. :)
I think we can all agree that movie tastes differ. Even people who tend to like the same things will disagree from time to time. Such was the case between me and my dear friend who, for her own safety, shall remain nameless (but you know who you are). She came down for a visit and a lovely weekend full of movies and games, always a pleasure…until she pulled it out of her bag. Michael Bay’s
My opinion of her movie recommendations has taken a sharp and severe dive.
Before I start in on this movie’s inadequacies, it is necessary to give credit where credit’s due. This movie did have one redeeming value. Yes, only one. Ewan McGregor looked mighty fine in that burgundy turtleneck.
Every other part of that movie has caused me numerous convulsions, both during and after. Still, in all fairness, I went into this movie with extreme bias. First, Faith (of “In My Opinion” fame) had told me that the only redeeming value was Ewan's turtle neck (check) and the spectacular fight scene that pits real-life Ewan against his cloned counterpart. Unfortunately, I was so mad by that point in the movie, the humour was hard to appreciate. Second, I saw MST3K's Parts: The CLONUS Horror (starring Peter Graves) which was the same freakin' movie AND IT WASN'T GOOD THEN EITHER!!!!
NOTE: for explanation of the above Baynito Michaelini and Movie™,
Finally, I really just did not want to watch it. Period. End of sentence. My friend had already extensively explained the entire plot to me. I could already tell it sucked. I didn't need visual confirmation. It would be one thing if there was no other way to get a decent Ewan-Fix...but I have Moulin Rouge. I'll be ok.
Now that I've had time to de-stress (after that 2 hours and 16 minutes of my life I'll never get back) I am thinking with a little more clarity. Let's compare, shall we, The Island with MI:2. These two Movies™ are exactly the same. They both wield the Symbolism™ Club of Pain, the I-Have-a-Message-and-you're-gonna-sit-there-until-I'm-done Chains of Bondage and the Look-How-Much-I-Can-Blow-Up-in-30-Seconds Button of Destruction. Why, then, did I praise MI:2 for it's hilarity and spit repeatedly on The Island for it's insulting incompetence? I can't say. It doesn't make sense. But it is true.
I blame Michael Bay. It must be his fault. That can be the only answer.
The one thought that begs meditation is this: Why do I even care? Why do I let a movie so obviously created for people who aren’t me, cause my poor little self so much strife and frustration? I believe it is emotional duress created by the Movie™.
In summation: Even if this movie starred ME along-side Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Colin Ferrell, Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale and involved some pretty intense "action"...I WOULD STILL NOT WANT TO SEE IT. Well, ok, maybe I'm being a bit hasty, but I think you all get my point. Michael Bay, even though I didn't spend a single red cent on this movie…I want my money back. I'm claiming "emotional duress."
As I've said for another review, I do not just tip my hat to you, I throw it forcefully to the ground. :)
The dreaded…Duh Duhn Dughnnn… "Island". least this movie is not your reality, where upon I would fully, FULLY, expect you to push the “Button of Destruction”, if for no other reason to relieve yourself of the mundane existence that is eerily similar to MI:2.
As a fellow movie watcher, (although I am not as educated as Kate regarding movies) I would concur with this review and also, more importantly like to add, that if Kate thinks its crap…guess what?
In digression, there is always the (fun) question to ponder…If you were sent to a desert island and could only bring three people, movies, books, etc…which would they be.
1. First choice person- K8!
2. First choice movie- Never ending story
3. First choice book- Well, I would rather watch a movie.
So, that’s that.
(Ocean waves crashing on the shore)
How can you not like Michael the Bay??? He is the epic king! The Lord of ALL the rings... the only one who can sink the Titanic!
You're out kate, 3 strikes, three pitches which will PROVE your all powerful WRONGness....
Bad Boyz -> i spell "awesome".. W-I-L-L.... strike 1
Armageddon -> cheeseball drama and epic sayings like "if he doesnt do that thing when everyone knows he'll do it at the last second... we're all DEAD." ... strike 2
Pearl Harbor -> nuff said
strike 3...
i think transformers will transform you into the newest "Michael Bay's Long Hair Fan Club" member.
It's not the fact that this movie sucked in script form, it's the fact that someone actually said "This is great! It's a go!" that bothers the ever living crap out of me.
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